If beauty is only skin deep, how can it be in the eye of the beholder?
I am an artist, that’s my way of saying I don’t have a job.
I work at an artist’s pace, translation I don’t do anything unless I want to.
Can you be an artist just because you say you are? Don’t you have to be able to draw, write, sing or something?
I look around me and see a lot of wedding bands; these people have found their mate. I can’t even find socks that match.
She is beautiful!
I hate to spell.
Hate is such a strong word.
Why do we say something is a strong word? It is just a collection of letters put together in a predetermined order just like any other word.
Some people do some strange things to their hair/body. Do they think it looks good? Do they think it makes them a better person?
If you don’t want to be defined by the things you do, why do things that define you?
My car is ugly.
I have another car, it is not running right now but it is not ugly.
If you use work-boots to play in are they still work-boots?
If you work in say flip-flops, you may be an artist.
“Edited for content” how do they know what will offend me?
Editing offends me.
If you do good things, are you a good person?
I think I am a bad person because I am not good at being a person.
Why don’t they just make the cover represent the book so we can “judge a book by its cover”?
Is cheesecake a cake? Why not call it cheese pie
Death is the only sure thing in life, so death must be the meaning of life.
If you have read this far you may be as crazy as I am.
If you understand any of this you are as crazy as I am.
This place is getting crowded.
My mind is crowded.
If I am drowning in my own thoughts, why can’t I just teach myself to swim?
Ideas lead to plans, plans to accomplishments. So if I have lots of ideas am I a success?
Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be someone else.
What do cats think about?
I think I make people nervous.
I make me nervous.
Does Books-A-Million Have that many?
Does Books-A-Million have more books than Barnes and Noble?
I like Barnes and Noble. I wrote most of this book in one.
Frapachino is the best thing on the planet.
Crime-fighters fight crime, fire-fighters fight fire, so what do freedom-fighters fight?
If you don’t love everything about someone, do you really love them?
When you say “God bless you “are you speaking for God?
This book is colorful, if nothing else.
Has anyone seen my soul-mate? I can’t find her.
The world would be a better place if I was in charge.
Is it OK for me to call someone a “lardass” since I am fat?
If you have read this far there are good medications that may help you.
If you are following along OK, welcome to my world, it gets better.
Sometimes I think I may be crazy, and then I realize I am just a whole lot smarter than you.
Naw, I am just crazy. Or am I?
I have too much time on my hands.
Maybe the homeless cant shower cause they are really cool and are growing dreadlocks.
If you don’t stand a chance why waste your time trying?
If you are Destine to fail and you don’t try then you are out smarting fate.
Did I fail in life or have I succeeded in being completely worthless?
I can’t spell. Thank God for spell check.
If you study something you are just stealing other people’s ideas.
Does everyone have a cell phone yet?
Some thoughts I don’t write down, are they less important?
Purple is my favorite color, it is bipolar too, its red and its blue.
Some times I scare myself with my thoughts.
Black is not a color, it is my favorite “not color”
Still with me? Just checking.
On a cosmic scale we are all ugly.
Ever been in a traffic jam, nothings moving and you just get more and more aggravated? Sometimes my mind is like that.
There is no such thing as nothing, even a complete void is something, it is a void.
I need to wash my pillows.
Why do we say “what’s on your mind” when what we really want to know is “what’s in your mind”?
I wonder if anyone will buy this crap.
Is this just rambling or just really really short stories.
You can’t “get your mind out of the gutter”, if it is in the gutter your dead.
I am going to make my own line of clothes, 5XL will be called med. so big people feel better.
If you could read my mind you would be in jail for taking it out of my head.
What are the odds both of these pens are running out of ink at the same time?
I have another purple one.
If we all came from Adam and Eve, I don’t look anything like some of my family.
The red pen pissed me off I am going to get a new one.
Black is not a color, but the black pen writes.
What difference does it make where the universe came from?
If you scan a crowd looking for someone, should you use a flatbed scanner?
Red is back, are you happy?
I am going to keep using the black pen, hope you don’t mind, if you do mind who cares it is my book.
I could use blue too.
My mind just went blank.
I am really organized I have to have a system for everything.
Nobody ever calls me.
I knew a person named Noble, I don’t think they were related to the Noble of Barnes and Noble, they were broke.
Most rich people are broke too, they just have nicer stuff.
People in America should speak English.
It’s the middle of the day on a Tuesday and Barnes and Noble is crowded. I wonder if all these people have jobs or if they are “artists”
I invented everything. I didn’t get any money for any of them, someone else invented them first.
I write songs too. Only for hump-back whales.
Sam Kinison was funny; I wonder if he still tells jokes in Heaven?
I wonder why that guy comes to the book store to play his guitar.
What if the dinosaurs would have had animal rights groups?
You can’t see both sides of a coin; you can never see the other side.
Every story has 2 sides you can only see one of them too.
Every picture tells a story, but the other side of a picture is blank.
Did God make aliens in his image too?